Did God promise you a new building? A ministry? Give you a business idea?
Don’t miscarry God’s plan. This is how you pray that vision through.
There’s a common misconception that pregnancy begins when the sperm fertilizes the egg inside a woman’s womb.
It’s not true. This just means two strands of DNA have come together for the potential of life. For pregnancy to occur, the egg needs to break out of its outer shell and attach itself to the womb.
Many eggs never make it out of its shell.
Unfortunately, this happens a lot to God’s promises, but with a bit of knowledge and skills, you can carry God’s vision to birth. Anybody can pray God’s promises through if they have the heart and desire to see God’s will manifested on earth.
The first step is to get you out of the most dangerous term in pregnancy. 80% of miscarriages take place in the first trimester (the first 3 months). This is true for spiritual and natural wombs. So let’s equip you.
Today, you will gain 3 steps on how a seasoned prophet carries God’s promises from conception and through the dangers of the first trimester. We call it, “Breaking Ground.”
It’s the moment a vision is conceived, but nothing has been prepared in the natural. Circumstances are not in favor of the promise, and the hearts of God’s people are not ready. You need to break ground and get the ground ready for God’s plan.
If you can get past this stage of pregnancy, your chances of a live birth significantly increase. But first, you need to build momentum.
Here are 3 Skills Required for Breaking Ground
1. You need grit
“… The effective, [b]fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” James 5:16
You need grit. In this stage of God’s promise, the spirit is heavy. It feels like all odds are against you. It’s because the ground hasn’t been broken, and you need to break it. This requires fervent prayer and focus. You don’t necessarily need to spend hours in your prayer closet, but it does mean that every chance you get, you need to speak life into your current situation. You need to continually tear down the heaviness of the enemy.
Do it every time you feel the heaviness. Do it underneath your breath, do it without relent.
When things look bad, you bite like a bulldog.
2. Pray in tongues, when you don’t know what to pray
Stay focused. The ground is hard, which means there’s not much liberty and revelation flowing. You need to rely on the Holy Spirit. Pray in tongues, and focus on God’s promise, until the Holy Spirit starts to give you understanding.
The Holy Spirit is your coach and guide.
3. Bring bullets to the gunfight
The Word is offensive warfare. When the enemy brings problems your way, you need the Word to stand on. Be mentally prepared for battle. Stand on God’s promises, and be ready to use the Word. Meditate and then aim the scriptures on that promise.
Warfare is necessary. As the enemy pushes, you need to push back until that blanket of heaviness lifts.
Breaking ground can feel like hard work, but when that wall comes down, you will see the Red Sea part. You’ll see the walls of Jericho that seemed so monstrous fall at your feet.
You’ll know you’ve broken ground when there is liberty, and movement, doors are opening, the hearts of the people are softened, and revelation is flowing. When these signs take place, then you’ve successfully broken ground.
This is when you’ve made it out of the dangers of the first trimester, and into the momentum of the second trimester. Here the baby’s feature has taken shape. You can see it’s heartbeat. It’s beginning to take life.
It doesn’t mean your job is over, you still have to carry this baby to term and have your wits about you. But you’ve made it out of the most dangerous part of the woods. A woman who is still pregnant in the second trimester significantly increases her chances of a live birth.
This is the gift of the ministry of prophetic prayer. Don’t give up. Break the hard ground, and see God’s promise come to fruition.
For more power-packed skills to see your prayers come to pass, get your hands on a copy of Prophetic Prayer, by Apostle Colette Toach.